Mrs. Natalie Brown 5th Grade
TCS is excited to have Mrs. Natalie Brown joining us again for her second year as a full-time teacher! We are thankful to have such an awesome lady and teacher on our team. She will be the 5th grade homeroom teacher and will teach Science to the 4th -7th grades as well as 5th grade English. Her favorite subject to teach is Science. Mrs. Natalie Brown is a graduate of the University of Georgia with a BSED in Communication Science and Disorders. She earned her initial certification and Master's in Early Childhood from Piedmont College. Mrs. Brown taught in the Walton and Mitchell County School Systems before leaving work to be a stay-at-home mom and homeschool her daughters for eight years. Natalie is married to Chris, and they have two daughters. Brooke is a freshman in college and Ava is attending TCS this year. She has always loved working with children and enjoys creating and implementing hands-on lessons. She has been active with American Heritage Girls and the Classical Conversations Community in Thomasville for seven years. She strives to capture the interest of her students, share God’s love, and create a fun learning environment. We are blessed to have her in the TCS family again this year to use her gifts and talents to teach the students of TCS.